July 16th, 2019

Castine, Maine: Join the Castine Historical Society on Tuesday, July 23 at 5:00 p.m. for a free
behind-the-scenes exhibit talk to be held at the Abbott School gallery, 17 School Street, Castine. The  program delves into the historical context and in-depth details of the 2019-2020 exhibit Risky Business: Square-Rigged Ships and Salted Fish.  In this three-part series held throughout the summer, curator Paige Lilly will expand on the historical connections and intriguing stories discovered while making the new exhibit. Future dates include August 27 and all talks run from 5 to 6:15pm. This presentation will cover family life at sea, navigating distant ports of call, the trouble with mail, and more. Questions and discussion will be welcomed. Wine and cheese will be served at the beginning of each talk.

The Castine Historical Society opens a window into Castine’s extraordinary past through preserving local history and hosting changing exhibitions, lectures, town walking tours, house and garden tours, and historic reenactments. The Historical Society’s Abbott School features the exhibit gallery, gift shop, and a community meeting space at 17 School Street, Castine. The Grindle House offices and research library at 13 School Street are open year-round.  The exhibits are open daily through September 2, Monday – Saturday, 10-4; Sunday, 1-4. Fall hours are September 6 – October 14, Friday, Saturday, Monday, 10-4; Sunday, 1-4. For more information visit castinehistoricalsociety.org, call 207-326-4118, or email info@castinehistoricalsociety.org.