Update: The internship is a go at this time and applications are welcome through March 24. We plan to conclude the hiring process in mid April. If by May 1st travel and relocation is still unsafe, we will postpone the internship in an abundance of caution.
For the seventh year, the Castine Historical Society is offering a graduate level internship, this year with an emphasis on photograph preservation and digitization. Students enrolled in a master’s degree or Ph.D. program in a museum studies, history, public history, or archival studies, may apply.
The internship requires a commitment of 35 hours/week for eight weeks starting between June 22 and July 2. Interns receive a $3000 stipend thanks for generous sponsorship. This educational opportunity is a way for the Historical Society to participate in and serve the field of public history and museum work. Students gain experience with professional staff in a local history setting. The primary project this year is digitizing and preserving the photograph collections housed in the Grindle House office and storage facility on School Street. The annual program also involves the student in learning Castine area history and providing free walking tours along with local volunteer guides.
Applications are due by Tuesday March 24, 2020. To view the full internship description and application instructions, Click HERE, www.castinehistoricalsociety.org or contact Paige Lilly via email at curator@castinehistoricalsociety.org.